Course curriculum

    1. Introduction

    2. What is yoga

    3. 8 Limbs of Yoga

    1. Ahimsa

    2. Ahimsa Sadhana

    3. Satya

    4. Satya Sadhana

    5. Asteya

    6. Asteya Sadhana

    7. Bramacharya

    8. Aparigraha

    1. Saucha

    2. Saucha Sadhana

    3. Santosha

    4. Santosha Sadhana

    5. Tapas

    6. Tapas Sadhana

    7. Svadhyaya

    8. Isvarapranidhana

    9. Isvarapranidhana Sadhana

    1. Asanas

    1. Pranayama

    1. Pratyahara

About this course

  • 240,00 kr
  • 27 lessons
  • 3 hours of video content

Discover your potential, starting today

Social proof: testimonials

“I feel more confident in my yoga practice than I ever have! Darsh has helped me build a strong foundation for my yoga practice through anchoring basic postures into my bodily memory - safely, without causing injuries. And weaving breathing exercises, meditation, energy practices and yogic philosophy into his classes has made for a very holistic experience, helping me understand how the 8 limbs of yoga are all interconnected. I now have a greater understanding of yoga as a whole, which deepens my practice. If you want a high quality and well guided introduction into yoga - or even just want to dive deeper - I warmly recommend the Yoga Initiation Course! You'll get as much out of this course as you put into it, so if you fully apply yourself, I'm sure you'll find that your time and money are wonderfully well spent. Thanks again, Darsh, for this rich experience! ”


“The Initiation Course in Yoga taught by Lars Olav is, in my experience, a one-of-a-kind yoga course. Here you get the opportunity to learn the different in-depth aspects of yoga (and not just yoga as a purely physical exercise). Lars Olav taught us the sun salutation in detail, also adding focal points that I have not been introduced to earlier. Further, we studied the yamas and niyamas ('moral codes'), meditation, pranayma (breath work), other energy work, and there was also time for relevant discussions and conversations. By giving us weekly homework, we were encouraged to keep the practice going off the mat and in our daily life. It is apparent that Lars Olav loves what he does and is passionate about sharing what yoga as a lifestyle can give to others. It is really refreshing to experience an instructor that is not afraid of slowing the pace and really go into every detail in every aspect of the practice. By doing so Lars Olav creates a safe space where you feel seen and included, and where he challenges every participant to grow in his or her practice. I highly recommend The Initiation Course with Lars Olav to anyone who is curious about yoga or anyone who wants to deepen their already ongoing practice.”

Anne Marie

“The Yoga Initiation Course has been an enriching journey for me. Lars Olav teaches holistic-oriented yoga with great emphasis on how to implement his study of methods into your everyday life. Every lesson he made room for talking and getting to know the participants, and we had a lot of interesting discussions. He has an outstanding ability to ask good questions and to offer perspectives that challenges you (in a fun way). The relatively small group size makes you get to know the others, and you really feel the shared experience of learning. If a participant missed a lesson, he put the others in the teaching position of having to go through (both explaining and practical showing) what last lesson was about. I really appreciated this, because it made us feel like a group. The activities in the course ranges from asanas (the physical postures) to concentration exercises, meditation and breathwork techniques to chanting as well as keeping the energetic body in focus. The asanas is very back-to-roots type yoga, and I found the repetition from lesson to lesson really valuable, because it makes you master the sequence with confidence. I have implemented this particular sun-salute sequence into my everyday practice with great benefits. Lars Olav knows his stuff, and his genuineness in sharing his big bag of knowledge and wanting people to live happy and more fulfilling lives really shines through. Both my view and approach to yoga has been broadened after being around such an invested and passionate teacher! The Initiation course hands you many tools for your toolbox, and I would recommend it to anyone who wants to establish a disciplinary practice of their own. ”
